About OCAP
The Ohio Coalition of Appraisal Professionals (OCAP) is a professional organization of Appraisers practicing in the state of Ohio. The mission of OCAP is to act as an independent advocate for Appraisers. OCAP is a community of real estate appraisers in Ohio organized to foster cooperation and give voice to the individual appraiser. OCAP works to promote knowledge and public trust in the appraisal profession. OCAP initiates and monitors political action affecting professional appraisers with the intent to influence legislation, regulation, and public policy.
Ohio Secretary of State Not-for-Profit Certificate
OCAP is an association of professional appraisers intent on improvement through advocacy, association, and education. Membership in OCAP includes licensed and certified appraisers who have the joint goal of promoting universal professionalism in Appraisal practice. OCAP has been created with specific purposes to:
Encourage communication between Appraisal professionals and act as the voice of power with lawmakers and regulators.
Represent the professional consensus to the Ohio Division of Real Estate.
Act as the source that citizens of Ohio turn to for valuation expertise.
Create and maintain a forum for professional information and education sharing.
Promote business opportunities for members of the organization that would not typically be available.
Promote safe and sound banking in Ohio through effective and measurable best practices in collateral valuation.
Objective and Goals
Develop best practice standards that can be monitored with accountability.
Achieve legislation that mandates the use of a licensed or certified real estate appraiser for every real estate value opinion rendered in the state of Ohio.
Achieve legislation that regulates the operations of Appraisal Management Companies doing business in the state of Ohio.
Promote environmental knowledge and concern among valuation professionals.
Develop specific education within our region in conjunction with state colleges and other institutions.
Provide guidance for business practice.
Encourage members to provide quality mentorship programs for appraiser trainees.
Provide a shared commercial and residential data source for sales, rental, and expense information.
Share economic support and participation in the organization in recognition that anything worthwhile requires investment of capital.
If you are interested in sponsoring our website, email info@ocapohio.com.